Thursday, May 28, 2015

Someone is FINALLY on the charts!

Thanks to growing six inches in a year, this three year old is on the charts finally.... barely at 22 percent!

Friday, May 22, 2015

June's Challenge--Memorize something meaningful

There is power in words.  Real power.

And, so this month's challenge is to put good words--life giving words--into our minds.  Memorizing comes easier for some, so there's no expectation on length, but it should be something that takes an entire month to memorize.  It should be something that requires that your drive home from work is oft littered with you reciting pieces of it over and over again.

So, this month, because I love me some Bible, I am going to memorize the book of Colossians.  All of it.  As I am driving the Loneliest Road in America (no, really), I'm going to be chugging along with memorizing the great epistle by Paul.

Maybe the Bible isn't your thing.  That's okay.  I'm not mad at you.

But, I can still think of great things to memorize: from Martin Luther King's Dream speech to Shakespeare's sonnets.

I thought this New Yorker article on the power of memorization was lovely. and this little blog from Psychology Today made me think--if you need a little nudge.

All in all, I hope you'll consider joining me this month.  If you are having a hard time coming up with something, the former teacher in me would love to direct you toward something.  And, I promise, I won't grade you on it in the end.