Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Long Road--Random thoughts from a waiting mother

As you can imagine, the most common question we get anymore is "have you heard anything about Grace," which I might add is a great deal better than "when are you guys going to have kids," or "have you tried X" ("X" being any type of advice about how to conceive a baby, most of which usually makes me uncomfortable to discuss in public).

For all of you Grace-watchers out there, here's the scoop: it's going to take awhile. Today, the CCAA (The Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs) sent out another batch of referrals. People who had a LOG IN DATE of JUNE 2005 just received their referrals (for translation of adoption terminology, refer here). Now, since our log in date is MARCH 2006, we have a wait in front of us. At this point, we are hopeful and prayerful to get our referral in March 2007, but we are prepared to even add a few more months to that estimate.

So, what am I doing during the wait. Well, I am doing things biological mothers the world over do... drinking margaritas, smoking cigars, and sitting in hot tubs. Just kidding (at least about the smoking part), but truth be told, I am pretty busy. This week I am painting Grace's room (I know people wanted me to decorate in pinks and other such girly colors, but I love blues and greens, and I don't want Grace growing up thinking pink is a girly color and blue is a boyish color; that seems silly).

I found her bedding at a consignment shop ($30 for three pieces in mint condition from Pottery Barn), and I settled on painting the room a celery color. But what started out as celery on the small paint sample, turned into neon mint. Needless to say, I am going to add some stripes to tone it down. In addition, I am going to handpaint a gingham border. I have to stay up for 24 hours next Monday (I have a wacky sleep testy thingy on Tuesday), and I think I'll finish it during the wee hours of Tuesday morning. (As a side note, staying up for 24 hours is going to be near impossible for me. I could fall asleep nightly at 8 p.m., and I am convinced the early bird special was created for me.)

In addition to painting, I am trying to gather all the necessary baby stuff via garage sales. I don't see the need to buy new stuff when Grace will probably use it for a whopping three or four months. While I'm on the subject of things I don't get... I don't understand these clothes for babies and toddlers that look like something Brittany Spears, at least in her pre-baby days, would wear. I want my baby to look like a little girl, not a hooker. Grace will be a complete nerd in school: the only kid wearing garage sale clothes, the only kid who isn't wearing hoochie-mama (actual spelling: who knew?) clothing, and the only kid who doesn't know the lyrics to songs like Spears' "I'm not so Innocent."

Also, in my spare time, I am teaching myself guitar. I've been at it a total of two days, complete with every guide, dvd, book and audio tape from the library on the subject. All I can show for it, right now, are some very, very blistered fingers.

All in all, I don't want to wish away the time I do have until Grace makes her debut. Life will never be the same when she shows up, so I might as well enjoy the long nights of sleep, the hours of quiet reading, and the drool free carpet until then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erin, this blog that you and Bret have set up is fantastic. I just started to tune in about a week-ago, right after Bonnie sent me your blog address. What a great way of keeping curious friends and family members up-dated on the trials and blessings that you guys are experiencing.

I look forward to dropping in weekly (so beware, when talking about Richie Poo) to catch your highlights. Not to mention that yours and Bretts writings are often very creative and humorous.

I’m just glad that you didn’t really start smoking cigars (I have odd visions of women smoking cigars and briefly saw my sweet niece in one of those visions). Hmmm, just a thought, I think I might try a Cuban cigar while on our cruise.

Anyhow Erin and Brett, our prayers are with you as parents and in Graces future.

Love Richie and Bonnie