Wednesday, November 28, 2007

... the goose is getting fat

I love Christmas! And, I love that we'll be celebrating Christmas this year as a family of three. So, the tree is up and decorated. Stockings are hung. Christmas lights festoon the entire front of our home. The holiday is in full swing.

I've been toiling away on Christmas cards, and I've been having photo shoot after photo shoot trying to get the essence of baby Grant in a picture. No such luck. Here are a few leftover shots...

Grant's Supa' Fly Pose. He's chillin'.

Let's review: I want 4 gifts wrapped in sparkle paper. Got it?

Looks too cute to pass up until you realize that Grant is chewing on a foamy earplug (used at really loud concerts by wifey, Erin). Ewww! Blow it up, you'll see. Finger swipe through mouth #78.

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