Thursday, December 06, 2007

Grace Update

As we gear up for our best Christmas ever (thanks to the addition of Grant Nicholas [who makes everything better!]), we have not forgotten about baby Grace this holiday season. There is a good chance that she was recently born (or will be born very, very soon) and is spending her first Christmas season in an orphanage. Talk about heartbreaking!

We hope to have Grace by next Christmas, but we still don't know. The Chinese government takes about 1 month to get through about 8-10 numbers. How many more numbers to go before we can go get Grace? About 90. So, hopefully, we will get her referral in about 9 months, travel about two months after that (which would be right around Thanksgiving 2008). Of course, it can all change (thank you Olympics in China). It could slow down. It could speed up.

So when we kiss Grant goodnight on Christmas Eve, we will also send a special prayer and Christmas kiss flying across the ocean to a little girl baby in China.

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