Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quick Update

Just a brief update to let everyone know that we're still around. We traveled to Key West last Friday to start our vacation, attended my cousin's wedding on Saturday, and hung out a bit with family on Sunday. Sunday night, Grant started coughing.

We tried on Monday to nurse our little dude back to health. But on Monday night, a fever led us to the emergency room. In the end, he was admitted to the hospital here in Key West with RSV, a respiratory virus that is apparently fairly common in little kids. I'm not sure what the acronym stands for, but I came up with Really ***** Vacation. You can choose your own adjective starting with S.

The good news is that Grant is doing fairly well, although they are keeping him in the hospital until Wednesday. After three attempts at getting his IV going, he has developed a healthy contempt for medical professionals. He is keeping them all entertained, and each new person that enters the room declares him adorable.

We know. Just make him well.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Oh, Pooh! What a way to spend a vacation! Feel better, Grant! We missed seeing you (and your mom and dad,too!)!