Saturday, January 24, 2009

Slice of Life

Sorry for the lack of posts; we'll pick it up... I've got to make sure to get some of the happenings chronicled.

Right now, it's 8:30 pm, and I should have a sleeping toddler, but Grant is screaming and crying in his bed. He is screaming, "I want to see Mickey Mouse in his clubhouse." I guess I should have held off on telling him that we're going to DisneyWorld over spring break (they were practically giving those vacations away... thank you bad economy).

Now to deal with a crying, heart-broken, not-remotely-patient child.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Haven't you learned that you don't tell them what you are planning until you are walking out the door to do it?? :-) We have another friend who just went, and she said the same thing about the price. Too bad for the economy, great for you! :-)