This is what we do know: it's nothing life threatening. Very early on, they all thought Grant had a telescoping bowel, also known as intussusception, but it turned out, after several ultrasounds, that the original fear was not founded. We've been through other possibilities: from kidney stones to appendicitis, but no go.
In the end, after a thorough blood and urine work up (both of which came back clean) to a full body ultrasound, he was released, with fingers crossed. We are visiting our regular pediatrician today, and we might need to get further tests done through the gastroenterologist, but for now, he's on an anti-spasm medicine for his stomach and intestines (which seems to be helping).
We are thankful for one restful night at home (Grant had not slept more
than an hour or so for the last three days). We're thankful for your prayer and for a family who supports us.
During the last few hours in the hospital, Bret and I had to take Grant to his final ultrasound. We went a different route than usual, and we ended up next to a wailing woman, head against elevator, family gathered around her. It was so clear that she had just lost her little girl. My pain for her was immediate. I cried and cried and cried (the poor ultrasound girl thought I was crazy), but I was so overcome by this woman's grief, a grief I hope to never know or to understand.
It was so clear in that moment how fleeting life is, and so above all, we are thankful to a God who does not leave us alone in our distress. Of course, this dear woman has been in my prayers, and I know our God is attending to her even now.
Here are just a few pictures...
Grant in the hospital
Grant home this morning watching Clifford.
We have been praying for you guys and sweet Grant..we love you and hope it all gets resolved very soon!
Glad to hear you are home and Grant is doing better. The pics are so sweet. Hope today goes well and you get some answers soon.
Bless his little heart and yours, too! I'm glad that Grant is home and hope that he continues to recover quickly! Love and prayers are going your way!
We love you guys!
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