Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More Grace Information

I just accosted the FedEx man who pulled up to hand me the package with two more pictures of Grace and all of her translated health and life information. The information is from her seven month check up, so we're not sure how much of it is still relevant.

A few notes from the information:
1. Grace is said to love music (Daddy grinned), laugh out loud and smile readily.
2. It said Grace was a "deep sleeper." Rock on.
3. It warned that Grace was obstinate. That's my girl.
4. Grace is very small. On the US growth charts, she's in about the 5th percentile for height and weight. She's a peanut. Grant weighed at three months what Grace weighed at about eight months.
4. We found out that Grace has been in foster care since she was a week old. This news is beautiful news. It's bittersweet in that we will be pulling Grace from the only family she has known, a family that she has bonded with and has bonded with her. But, we also know that Grace knows how to attach, a problem for many kids who are in an institutionalized setting like an orphanage. We are so thankful to this family, a family who has loved Grace through all these months, feeding her, changing her, waking up in the wee hours with her, and playing with her, all the while knowing that she would be leaving one day. It's a sacrifice we cannot comprehend or repay, but it is one for which we are exceptionally grateful.

We will get an updated medical history (including information about when and where Grace was left by birthparents) in a few weeks. We should get some new pictures then as well.

But, today, we received two new pictures (from when she was seven months old), and I could just die at how sweet and cute she is! She's bundled up in layers and layers of clothes (a Chinese custom that sometimes translates to up to nine layers of clothes on kids), but, despite the layers of clothes, you can still tell that she's just the sweetest little angel!

I don't know what's up with the grapes (or the fact that the "beach" picture has: 1. animated pigs and mushrooms and 2. Grace dressed up in layers of very "unbeachy" clothes), but come on, you know she's the cutest thing ever! That little double chin, the "what the heck is going on here" stare, and those polka-dot penguin booties are just about the cutest things I have ever seen.


gordon&erin said...

Yay! I am so happy for you guys! She is adorable...I am anxious to hear more about her (as I am sure you are too)

Anonymous said...

So happy for you guys! She's beyond adorable and precious!!

(Just as an aside - could the grapes be covering up what the "split pants" don't??)

Julie and Steve said...

LOL on the "beach" photo...so funny the backdrops they use on these referral pics! CONGRATS she is absolutely gorgeous :)

Nick and Jenn said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you. Such a cutie!

epin said...

I know those grapes. My Tonggu baby also had referral photos with those grapes. They are "modesty" grapes, to cover up the exposure from split pants.

prechrswife said...

Congratulations! As soon as I saw the grapes, I had to see if your Grace was a Tonggu baby. (Our daughter is also from Tonggu, although our referral group was one of the few without grapes. Our girls were Rooster babies, so their pictures had them sitting in a big chicken instead.) Please come and join in on the Tonggu Yahoo group. :-)

a Tonggu Momma said...

Congratulations from another Tonggu Momma! And I am grinning at the personality profile - my daughter was said to be ALL of those things as well - small, loves music, a deep sleeper and sometimes obstinate. She also "tends to be impatient, especially when she sees food." Heh. Yes, it was all true. VERY true.

Blessings to you during this time! And, as Dusty said, please do join us on the Tonggu Families Yahoo! group. It's a great resource.

Karmen and Greg said...

Congratulations! What a precious little girl. May God give you a speedy journey to her and perfect attachment!


christina said...

She is amazing! God is so good and has such perfect timing. Surely this is the Grace you have been waiting so long for. We can't wait to meet her someday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin,
It's me Christina (Weaver) Ball:-) I had the pleasure of singing at your grandma's service today and saw your mom! I did not know prior to showing up today whose service I was singing for but was so blessed to know I got to participate in this bittersweet day with your family! Your mom gave me the address to your site and told me about your pending adoption...I am sooo excited for you! Anyway I would love to cath up, you can email me at c.m.ball7@gmail.com I have missed you terribly and would love to hear from you :-)

DBW said...

A few years ago, there was a batch of referral pictures out of China where all of the babies from an orphanage were wearing a t-shirt with an American flag, saying "I lost my ass in Las Vegas..." I think the Chinese think something looks American, so they go with it without looking too closely at it. All of the babies from my daughter's orphanage seem to be wearing the same pink top, and sitting in the same chair, so it may make perfect sense to the Chinese. Anyway, your baby is darling, enjoy these days.