Sunday, July 26, 2009

We're Getting Hungry

While Daddy is off feasting in China (read post below), I am stuck in a dire situation. Yesterday, I ate prunes and saltines with peanut butter for lunch. Grant ate freezer burned Bagel Bites. Since I am leaving in a few days (and will be gone for weeks), I am refusing to buy any new food, and it's starting to be a bit of a challenge. We do have plenty of milk and juice and yogurt (and thank goodness for Trader Joe's taquitos), but it's going to be a tad bit painful come Monday. But, I'm resolved.

If you know me, you know this is depression era empty. Really, it's nothing more than pickles, banana peppers and jam. And I hate eggs, so don't even go there!

My fruit and veggie bowl: after this lonely nectarine is gone, it's canned pineapple for us.

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