Friday, April 16, 2010

So, an unemployed couple walks into a bar...

Since it's now official, I guess we can let everyone in on what's going on with us. As many of you know, Erin and I made the decision a while back that Erin should stay home next year with the kids. We just felt like it was the right time, and with plans for a third at some point, we figured we should quit dumping money into day care sooner than later. So several weeks ago, Erin didn't renew her teaching contract for next year.

Additionally, many of you know that my job has been somewhat unsteady for a long time. But finally today, after working for essentially the same company (under various names) for 16 years, I was let go.

So, does anyone have any suggestions for what an unemployed couple with two kids can do? Our answer, in the short term, is to enjoy some time as a family. We have a trip to the beach coming in a few weeks, and who knows after that. I've been blessed, yet again, to be given a financial parachute that will last us for a little while...hopefully long enough to find a good job, wherever that may be.

In the mean time, I've been brainstorming some ideas for Erin & me, since we're both unemployed as of this summer:

1. Comedy Duo -- Nothing is funnier than watching a couple try to make it on stage when there is a slight undercurrent of uneasiness (see Sonny & Cher after the divorce).

2. Ice Cream Truck or Hot Dog Cart -- For ages, I've said that either of these things could make it in the large office park where I curr, er, used to work. I think this is our big chance.

3. Open a CD Store -- I realize that the use of a physical medium for music distribution, such as the CD, is going the way of the dinosaur, but we could live for a while selling off the extra copies of each Beach Boys or Kinks album that I have in my collection. Or at least we should recycle the plastic.

4. Late Night Office Cleaning Team -- Now I realize that my fear of germs would prevent me from doing most of the cleaning, so that would fall to Erin, but I could straighten the chairs in the conference room and empty the occasional trash can. Perhaps I could even do this for my old company. For a fee.

In reality, we're glad that one of our big unknowns is finally a known and that we can start moving forward with our lives. And what better time of year to get to spend some extra time together. We know the rest of the loose ends will come together in their time.


e said...

1.) oof.
2.) that sucks.
3.) enjoy you're "government sponsored sabbatical" - it was the best 4 mos of my professional career at the time I was "awarded" mine.
4.) did this have anything to do with this?
5.) does this mean you're not visiting soon?

Unknown said...

I keep running in to ex Thomson people at Beckman Coulter. My suggestion...MOVE... No man, really that sucks. I did enjoy my paid sabbatical though. In fact, I met Jen on that sabbatical so that was nice. Of course you don't need a wife, or kids, so maybe you will find a puppy or bird. Enjoy it and something good will come up.

dan said...

Ugh, so sorry to hear this not so good news. But it sounds like your house and car will be in tip top shape soon.

Anonymous said...

You will make it. My husband and I were laid off 6 weeks apart from each other and neither had a job when we traveled to China to meet our daughter. While we would have never planned it that way, it worked out well for our child. Plus, we like canned food and who needs cable anyway! Keep you in our prayers. - Kimberly