Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Name Game

Grace loves to sing, so you can imagine how much she loves Christmas time. Grace's favorite carol is "Joy to the World." It took me a second, but I realized it is her favorite because the second verse starts out with "He rules the world with Truth and Grace." I'm pretty sure--based on recent bossy behavior--that she thinks she is ruling he world with Christ and some unmet girl named Truth. Not joking.

Grant, on the other hand, thinks he is responsible for the show Curious George being on PBS. If you listen closely, it says that the show is brought to you by "a ready-to-learn Grant and from viewers like you." Grant considers himself quite "ready-to-learn," so he's pretty sure that he is the sole reason Curious George comes on day after day.

Pretty cute.

1 comment:

katherine said...

Cute, very cute!