Monday, June 17, 2013

Finishing Off Vacation

We finished off our time in Hilton Head with a trip to the movies, with some kite flying, a few more trips to the beach, tons of yummy dinners, and even a dolphin cruise.  It was a great, great trip... kind of hard to be home!

Beach fun

Grant trying to spy dolphins on the cruise (we saw tons!)...

My favorite memory: several mornings the kids and I woke up and headed to the beach before sunrise. And every morning, we were greeted with little tidal pools for discovery.  One morning, it was perfect!  We found four jellyfish, the largest horseshoe crab known to man, a giant sea slug alive in a conch shell and a live starfish.  The kids were beside themselves with happiness.  The next morning (when the whole gang, including grandparents came too), we didn't find anything, so it made that really early morning when a momma and her two eldest took a walk extra special!

Trent... enough said....

I took a similar picture when we were in Hilton Head three years ago (Grace hadn't even been home a year!)...


And NOW...

Time flies too quickly for this momma, and I will NEVER regret making life-long memories with my kids. These are the things they will remember... 

1 comment:

Delaine said...

I am with you - seems all the kids are growing up waaaay tooooo fast!! Looks like you all had a fantastic time. Miss you all!!