Tuesday, May 27, 2014

More Off of Our Summer Bucket List

A beautiful three day weekend, and we were able to check some more off of our list!!

First off, two items are finished but with no pictures: jump on a trampoline became visit an indoor trampoline park and eat Japanese food.

But, we did accomplish a few more with pictures.

Have a bonfire
The glories of having land upon land--fire is a kid favorite at our house.  You throw in a tumble in a creek by mommy, and you have Grace declaring it the "funniest day of her life."  All in the name of laughter and childhood, right?

Watch a movie from the 1960s
The original Parent Trap, anyone?  Ah, the smoking and drinking and spousal abuse that can only be from a bygone era.

Just seven school days left... and then, the real fun will begin!!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Thanks for not ragging on me for not getting my bucket list up yet . . . But we are nearly finished with it and I plan to post it by June 1!
So excited about your plans for next summer - just let know when you figure out your timeframe! Hotel Davidson is ready!!!!