Tuesday, February 03, 2015

The 11 month challenge

I was supposed to write about this in December and begin implementing with the first of the year.  But, life happened... and now, I find myself three days into February: already late.  And, I am tempted to say, "Forget it... there's always next year."  But, even if it isn't a perfect start, today's the day!

This challenge has been a brain child of mine for a bit.  The basic thought is this: what if, instead of a New Year's resolution, I committed to do something every month.  I could set out the rules of the month beforehand, and anyone who wanted to join the month's challenge could do so.  And, if I do them all alone, so be it... but I'll be better for it in the end.

So, I have devised 11 challenges: some spiritual, some practical, some physical.  I hope to tell you what the challenge is long before the first of the month so you can consider your own participation.

This month's challenge is simple in concept and difficult in implementation.  It is birthed out of the women in my small group at church, and we've already been on this particular challenge for over a week.

The challenge: simply put--no critical comments to your spouse (or someone else).  This means if Bret does something dumb, oblivious or even mean, I'm going to keep from speaking out critically.  This means that if Bret is tackling something--from driving to parenting--differently than I would, I am going to keep my mouth shut.  I find that too often I am quick to criticize and quick to correct--this will be a real lesson in patience.

I'll keep you posted on how I do, and if you're up for the challenge, let me know, and we can act as an encouragement to each other.  God is the giver of good gifts, and Bret is one of my most precious, and by the grace of God, I hope he knows that unequivocally at the end of this month.

Coming up in March: the great house PURGE!  Stay tuned!


Katherine said...

AMEN sister! This is hugely difficult for me, but I am up for the Challenge! Thankfully we are 10 days into the month and it is a short month! Okay, okay I'll do 10 days into March!!!!!

Katherine said...

AMEN sister! This is hugely difficult for me, but I am up for the Challenge! Thankfully we are 10 days into the month and it is a short month! Okay, okay I'll do 10 days into March!!!!!