Friday, March 29, 2019

SB 19, Day 5

Today, we headed to Venice. We walked and walked and walked and walked. Grant ate and ate and ate and ate. The first part of the day, up until lunch, we allowed ourselves to get off the main corridors and wander the less seen Venice. 

Trent was doing great with all the walking until, despite our hours of prep on the subject, he discovered Venice's pigeon population. There were tears and loud proclamations of wanting to go back to school. 

After a very great lunch at a very authentic local spot, we decided to head toward St Mark's square. That's when we discovered that:

1. Venice is crowded. We were there in the off season on a beautifully cool day. I have no idea how to pack more people on to that island, especially in the heat. 

2. The same shops repeat every five storefronts: Murano glass, souvenirs, gelato, restaurant/pizza, high end clothier. Repeat. I felt like I was looking at the same thing again and again and again. 

3. As such, for me, Venice is a one and done. I am glad I visited. I am really glad I visited. But, I don't think it captures real Italy for me, so I don't need to go back. 

We enjoyed our time at St. Mark's and checked out the Doge's palace and the Bridge of Sighs before heading back and calling it a day. 

We drove just a bit out of town, landed some great sushi, as we ready for tomorrow. 

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