Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Work Related

My company just announced the creation of an "Employee Motivation Committee." Methinks the formation of such a committee is a prime indicator of where your company stands. It's sort of like forming a "Committee For the Exploration of Alternate Employment Options" or "Committe to Begin the Cleanup of Future Unoccupied Office Space."

Another facet of life in a Chinese company that I find increasingly blog worthy is the selection of Western names by my Chinese cohorts. It has become fashionable for Asians to select a western name like Bob or Louie when dealing with Americans. It always cracks me up to meet a guy who I know is named Xiangxian, only to have him introduce himself as Pete.

Recently we've seen an upswing in the selection of fruit names. I met recently a woman named "Apple." We thought that was somewhat entertaining until we met her friend "Cherry." Nobody had the heart to tell her that Cherry would probably be more likely found on the local stripper pole rather than at a multinational corporation.

Just this morning, I saw an announcement welcoming Mr. Robin Sin to a certain company. I couldn't figure out why it was making me giggle, but then it hit me.

So here's to you, Mr. Robin Sin, Jesus loves you more than you will know. Whoa, whoa, whoa, indeed.

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