Monday, September 24, 2007


I have discovered a fundamental flaw in blogging over the past couple of years, and in the past week, it has greatly impeded my ability to provide you, the reader, a quality product.

Let me give some examples. This past week I was having lunch with some co-workers, and one of them said some truly outrageous things. I mean, in my head I was thinking, "This will make the funniest blog in the history of mankind." And the material just kept coming. The longer the guy talked, the longer the blog in my head got. And it was some truly, truly stellar stuff.

So what was the guy saying, you ask?

Well that's just it. I could post it, but then I'd have to go into hiding. Not only is this particular individual computer savy, but he also can be a little, shall we say, unpredictable. And as sure as I post it, as I go to exit my vehicle in my garage some dark and lonely evening, there he'll be. Waiting. With a hook.

This is the fundamental flaw in blogging. There are just some things you can't post, since it will assuredly leave you with no friends and potentially no family.

Family is a whole other issue. The wifey and I have an unspoken agreement that we're willing to post about each other, as long as it's nothing too embarrasing (or at all weight related. At which point the agreement goes from being unspoken to spoken only in four letter words.) On the other hand, a lot of people in our family say and do some pretty funny stuff. But I have one uncle already trying to cut me out of Christmas. I don't need more.

So I've spent some time trying to think of potential solutions. One is to create my own blog somewhere else with no identifying information. This prevents me from forgetting all of these delightful occurrences, but affords me the protection I need from co-worker and mother-in-law. For all you know, perhaps that blog already exists. Somewhere. I've been unsuccessful at coming up with other solutions, so I'm open to ideas.

In the mean time, I'm forced to sit here and marvel at what this dude said at lunch last week. I wish I could tell you. I really do. But I can't.


nate said...

Too true. I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean ;-)

I have to be careful at my blog too...

But I truly would like to know what your co-worker did... lol...

