Monday, October 29, 2007

on the move

So, just as soon as you say that Grant can't yet crawl, guess what? He starts crawling. Now, it's not pretty, but it is self-propelled movement. It's really like a face plant, a leg push, and a rug burn on the cheek later, Grant has arrived at his destination. Of course, as predicted, once he realized he could move, he started testing the waters.

Here's a video of his patented move. Watch until the end. What you see at the end (when he grabs the cord that connects our surround sound system) is something most parents don't have on tape: the moment they had to start really parenting. Up until now, it's been about keeping him happy and healthy. Today, at the moment on this tape to be exact, the word "no" meant "no." Grant, upon first instance, started to cry. He was so upset that he couldn't touch the cord. But, give it a few seconds and wait until you think Mommy is watching the Colts game, and try it again. Hopefully, with some time and consistency, we can help Grant discover a huge world that is available for the taking, and he'll leave the things that are off limits alone. Wishful thinking, eh?

I've also posted a few fall pictures. We headed out this weekend to a local mall to do some shopping (along with a very, very long lunch stop at the Cheesecake Factory; can you say "banana cream cheesecake" without smiling?), and Grant got to play on some of the mall vehicles. He was stoked.

This picture is taken mid laugh (I swear... he wasn't crying)... and of course, it just makes me smile.

Who needs to put in the 75 cents (where did the penny machines go?) when I have just as much standing a pushing all these buttons?

Here's Grant's new spot in the house: in front of the fridge playing with the kid safe magnets.

Here's Grant praying before we eat. Okay, not really. He does this goofy face when the flash on the camera has gone off one too many times. I think he sees spots otherwise. It does like he is super deep in prayer though.

Here also is a recent highchair discussion with baby Grant. He's showing some of his supa' fly moves (clapping, eating Cheerios, etc), so he's pretty happy with himself.

Bee sure to check back later in the week for Halloween pics. Buzzzzz!


Anonymous said...

The picture of Grant in the red sweater (side profile) is absolutely the most gorgeous picture ever! It is ok to call a little boy baby gorgeous isn't it????
Hugs and Kisses to little Grant! Kathy

Scarlett said...

What a cutie!! I have to agree...that picture of him smiling/laughing in the red sweater is one of those frame-worthy pictures!!

Brandie :)