We're in the middle of a full blown language explosion over here. Grant is language crazy! I have a beautiful scrapbook that chronicled the first year of Grant's life, and I had hoped to keep it up for a record of things like expanding vocabulary. But, life is busy, so, for now, this blog will have act as some sort of baby book.
Grant talks constantly, and it is starting to get easier and easier to understand him. At first, I thought he was just repeating words. I'd say zebra, he'd repeat it, but I didn't think he fully understood. But now, he's starting to use those repeated words all on his own.
Just today, Grant (at the zoo) walked up to a group of daycamp kids waving, and he said, "Hi, guys." I about died at the cuteness. He does the same thing with everything. "Hi, Dad." "Hi, ducks." "Hi, zebra."
But, it doesn't stop there. I thought I might try to chronicle his words, but there are just too many: zip, all done, shoe, milk, amen, truck, car, Grant (which he pronounces Nant)... it just keeps going.
And he knows every sound I can think of: snake, owl, dog, lion, chicken, truck (beep beep), etc, but three of my new favorites include frog, train and santa claus (ho ho ho). He also pulls his tongue in and out to imitate a lizard.
It's just amazing to watch and to listen to Grant become a boy. It melts my heart to hear his little voice make meaning.
Love the pic!
Love the pic!
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