Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What's In a Name?

This weekend, Grant said one of the funniest things ever! First, you should know that Grant has entered the stage that other people refer to as the "terrible twos," but there's nothing remotely terrible about Grant, so I just like to call it the "trying twos," as, at the most, his fits and his attitude are a bit trying.

On Sunday, I was asking Grant about his name. I asked him his first name. That's an easy pitch. Then, his middle name, and he responded, "Grant Nicholas." Now, please keep in mind that Grant knows his last name and has said it often, but I guess the last several weeks, as we have been part of that "trying twos" fun, he's heard a different name because when I asked him about his last name, he said, "Grant Nicholas Come Here." I guess I better stop barking orders for my toddler to "come here," as he's starting to get the wrong idea.

1 comment:

bryna said...

Oh laugh out loud funny!
That is awesome!