Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Job Security

A couple of days ago, I got a call from the resident Executive Assistant at our company asking what my title should be on my business cards. (My company is in the process of moving, therefore we all get new cards. They're great for jamming under the wobbly leg of a table at Denny's or throwing into a ceiling fan.)

Since I haven't known what my official title is in years, I told her I'd get back to her. I asked what my title was shown as on the official company org chart, and she informed me that my name was followed merely by a question mark, rather than a title. This is not good.

I'm no dummy, and I'm fully aware that being the question mark in a struggling economy can't be a good thing. My only hope is that somewhere in our office there sits a slightly less important exclamation point or even better, a frown... :(

I inquired with my boss to see what my title should be, and he told me to make something up. I thought about it for a few minutes, and after eliminating all deities and other blasphemous names, I came up with my selection. When I told the Exec. Assistant what I had decided on, she looked unimpressed. "Really? You don't want something longer?" Nope. This will do.

While I wait for my new cards to arrive (undoubtably with my first name featuring two "t's" instead of one) I need to get to the bottom of the question mark. I need to at least be a check mark to make it to Christmas.


frogglet said...

That cracked me up I had to read to my hubby, my title is Technical Manager, What the heck does that mean anyway?
Thanks for the chuckle I found your blog on RQ hope you see your precious baby soon.


Unknown said...

So what will your job title be, "Invaluable Employee"?

bret said...

Yeah, right. Invaluable Employee. Try, "Next Guy to Need a Moving Box at 5 PM."

No, my new semi-official title is "Product Manager." Yippee.