Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mommy is Losing Her Mind

First an update on our newest cousin/nephew. Drew Michael was moved to the intensive care unit of a different hospital, and he will probably need to stay about 10 days to let his lungs finish developing. He's doing great, otherwise, and he is very beautiful. Here's a picture of him the first time his mommy got to meet him!We look forward to visiting him in the coming days, but to be honest, I think Drew Michael is to blame for me losing my mind. No, really. I think when the call came that he was coming (very early), my mind flew out the window and has yet to return. I functioned for half a day thinking it was Friday instead of Thursday. I've lost (I mean LOST) things I just had in my hand. I forgot that today was Grant's first day of preschool (thankfully, Grant has yet to learn the days of the week, so when I told him on Monday that he was going to get to go to school on Thursday, I might as well--thanks to his ignorance--said December). I think that little 4 pound, 11 ounce wonder-boy named Drew Michael owes me an apology. If he weren't so cute and small, I probably would have not lost my mind, spilled salsa all over myself, and forgotten to bring wipes in the diaper bag (very bad news with Gracie-the-wonder-pooper... by the way, thank you, Cindy).

Grant, though, has not lost his mind, but rather, he has found it. He has returned to his normal, cuddly, kind and easy self. He still has his toddler moments, but he has stopped trying to kick Grace down the stairs, and instead, he really has started to help me and to enjoy her. I'm glad to know that the first week of terror was just a little transitional phase.

Grant and I did have a funny conversation on the way back from the zoo this morning (I forgot it was school, but at least we did something fun!). Here's the conversation:

Grant: Mommy, I want a yellow truck.
Me: Do you already have a yellow truck?
Grant: No, I want to buy one.
Me: Well, when you have enough money in your piggy bank, you can buy one.
Grant: But, I never get anything.
Me: Really? You don't have any toys or clothes?
Grant: No, I have toys and clothes. But, I just want everything.
Me: Well, that's not going to happen. Sometimes, what we want and what we get..
Grant: I know: are two different things.
Me: That's right.
Grant: Well, I want all the money. I want it all.


Already the little greed monster has entered my son's head. He sees a toy in another kid's hand and wants--no "needs"--one just like it immediately. He is so tired of hearing my "what you want and what you get" speech that he usually stops me mid speech and tries to finish it with "are the same thing." He's got a rough road ahead of him.

But, his interest in "getting" money (let's call it saving money, as not to offend my sensibilities) does beg the question: when do I start to give him an allowance? I know he's too young now (right?), but after our discussion this morning, I'm starting to wonder. Any thoughts?

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