Sunday, November 15, 2009

Off to China

Yep, Bret is off to China again. He left this morning, and his back is KILLING him (two herniated discs have a way of doing that), so please say a little prayer for Bret during his travel. Grant asked Bret the other night, "Daddy, who are you going to pick up this time in China?" Bret told him that no little sisters were planned (for now), but Bret thought he could manage to bring back a toy for Grant. The toy has Grant just as excited (if not more) than another little sister.

While you're saying a little prayer for Bret's back, you better say a little prayer for my sanity. Grant finally did not need my help or attention last night, so I actually got some sleep (the night before he was up 17 times). I've yet to be by myself for a week with two of them, and I'm not doubting my ability to survive the week, but a little prayer for my sanity might be necessary.

And, a few weekend pictures:

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Oh, my gosh, 17 times beats Sarah's record of 9 by a long shot! I feel for you. And I will definitely keep you in my thoughts this week. What a big job! The photos of Grace are precious. She has such a sweet face.