Sunday, February 15, 2015

March's Challenge--The Minimalist Game

With just two weeks left on our "No Critical Conversation to our Spouse" Challenge, I have to let you know about our next challenge... to give you plenty of time to consider joining in the fun!  Spring is almost here... and there is no better jump start to your spring cleaning than this--play the Minimalist Game with me.

We all have too much stuff.  Some of us are purgers by nature (me), so the thought of getting rid of stuff we don't need or use is exciting.  Admittedly, there are those of you who struggle a bit more with this idea.

Did you know the average U.S. household has 300,000 items?  And, did you know that United States children only make up 3.7% of the world's child population, but our kids have 47% of the toys and books in the WORLD!

So, this coming month's challenge (see my original post on the 11 month challenge) was created by minimalist gurus (info HERE) and is simple.

For the first day of the month, you get rid of one item.  For the second day of the month, two items.  And so on.  Technically, the winner is the one who can go the longest, but I am telling you RIGHT NOW that I am going all the way, baby!

Obviously, it gets harder and harder, but when I look at the toys, books and stuffed animals that my kids have, not to mention the clothes that don't fit and the dishes I don't use, I think I can do it.  Plus, let's not even get started on the garage!

So, in total, we'd be getting rid of right under 500 items... out of the house!  But, I like round numbers, so I think 500 it is!

So, are you with me?  Do I have any takers?  Even if you think you can't do it, what a great opportunity to try and, in the process, to reflect on the stuff in our lives... and if it really needs to be there!

In addition, if you are here in Indianapolis, I would like you to consider partnering with me as I partner with the Exodus Refugee Project.  I am planning on donating all of my household and furniture items to help refugees who are showing up in the United States, often fleeing religious and political persecution.  These refugees, who often travel with nothing but what they are wearing, need to be set up here with a small apartment, full of everything from glasses to bedding--and their kids need some toys too!!

So, consider joining me, and we can encourage each other along the way.  March 1=the fun begins!

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