Thursday, August 01, 2013


So starts another school year!  I took the kids to the bus stop this morning, watched them get on, and I tried desperately to hold that image in my head.  These two little bodies finally going off to school together--hand in hand--the absolute best of friends!

With Grant, while it is sad to see him go, I'm prepped.  He was in full day kindergarten last year, and while I have loved having him home for two months this summer, we're pretty good at this school thing now.  But, it's still hard to send him off--but it's so good for him.  He's a little man now.  Long gone are the days of Thomas the Tank Engine.  He's all boy: video games, karate, fast cars, deadly animals.  Thankfully, for now, he still loves to snuggle with his momma, but I know that those moments are fleeting too.  But, for now, he's excited to head off to the many adventures of first grade.

But, with Grace, even though it is easier in some ways (having walked this just last year with Grant), it is still hard.  She is my bestest bud, and we have done everything together for three whole years.  She is--quite seriously--the most helpful child God created.  And, to be honest, we just love being together.  Even with a crazy and loud toddler at home, my days are going to feel quiet without her.  It's hard to believe that the timid and careful little girl I brought home from China has become this super confidant, super responsible, super social little creature.

It was bittersweet this morning knowing that this was the start of a very long school journey, and with each step, my kids need me less and less.  But, that's a good thing... even though, this morning, it brings a tear to my eye!

But, the tear was short-lived!  My little man and I headed for coffee and reading, a little shopping, and a glorious TWO AND A HALF HOUR NAP.  This momma is okay, I tell you.  Okay.

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