Friday, September 21, 2007

Old Man Spot

A few months ago, one of my esteemed Indian (Asian, not Sioux) engineering colleagues approached me in front of several other colleagues and inquired, "Hawkins, what eez dat ting growing on your face?"

My observant, tactful friend was taking note of the age spot, for lack of a better term, that I have on the left side of my face. It's about the size of a dime, but it has become more noticeable in the past couple of years. For reasons unknown, it's starting to resemble a map of China.

My grandfather on my mother's side has a number of these spots. It would appear that I've managed to avoid the dreaded "father on your mother's side" hair loss, only to have instead acquired his "liver spots," as my mom referred to them when I was little. I'll take that trade.

My wife has also taken note of this distinguishing mark; although, she has approached the topic with much more disdain.

"What is that thing?"
"Is it going to go away?"
"Is your whole face going to look like that eventually?"
"You should put a bag over your head."

In an effort to regain my dignity, I've begun using Olay Definity cream, in an effort to improve the Elephant Man-like horror that is, apparently, my complexion. This was started at the suggestion of the wife, and it does appear to be working.

On the "Churchill to Clooney Pretty Man Scale," I think I'm unfortunately somewhere around a Gary Busey with the spot. Hopefully with a few more months of Divinity cream, I'll have moved back up to being at least an Anthony Clark again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing funnier than today's story would have been a picture of the "dreaded liver spot"! Good luck with the "Divinity" cream! Think I'll get some . . .I've been noticing a small brown spot on my left cheek . . .OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!